07 Mar Will Rap Ever Grow Up?

Jay-Z: The 40+ Rapper.
There’s a 31 year-old guy who just got out of prison, and is living with his mom, lounging around the house with his friends watching comedy on the television, breaking the furniture while horse-playing. He has several children, all by different women, but is more concerned with smoking marijuana. He blames the failed educational system for his never becoming properly educated, because it seemed, to him, that his teachers just showed up to collect checks and never really cared about the success of the students. His resolve, hang out on the block—find his lost youth in the youth who are currently lost—school and be schooled by the young men who should be looking to him as a role model. Where he should be being an example, he’s taking notes from them on the latest style, slang and circumstance. His ambition is to take his story and the stories of those around him and make it big one day soon. He’s working on a new mix tape. His album is dropping soon. The world will know his name, and anyone who ever doubted him is going to regret it. He’s going to expose the criminal justice system, the educational system, the unsupportive family, the mothers of his children, the crabs in the barrel he calls home—everybody who didn’t believe in him when he was at his lowest. All he needs is a chance.
When I started rapping there were guys I looked up to, because they were doing, full-time, what I wanted to do with my life. They were making Art. And they were true to it—committed to the life in which they saw potential success and a sustainable career. This is the American Dream, right? Where there is opportunity, seize it. Where there is none, create it. Hip-Hop gave many of us hope that we could be great at something, have that greatness acknowledged, and even possibly make a great living doing so. I guess that’s the effect Art can have on people—especially an Art as seemingly accessible as Hip-Hop (rapping, in particular, but also producing, beat-making, and DJing). If an artist isn’t careful, he or she runs the risk of being the aforementioned 31 year-old person. And what’s wrong with that? an artist may ask. My response: Absolutely nothing…and just about everything. Nas wrote “2nd Childhood” for his 2001 album Stillmatic, and I think it perfectly describes a dilemma I’m wondering how Hip-Hop is going to handle: Growing up.
I admire [some of] the attempts by the elder statesmen of Hip-Hop, Nas, Jay-Z, Lupe Fiasco, to elevate [some of] the conversations and content in popular Rap music to a level on which many fans of Hip-Hop can continue to engage. Sex, drugs, partying and misogyny apparently sell records, and have been a staple in Rap since “If your girl starts actin’ up, then you take her friend” sounded remotely “cool” [if it ever did]. Perhaps it’s not the responsibility of Hip-Hop to do this. Maybe that should be left to parents or other stakeholders in the community, but sadly, Hip-Hop is the only reference many youth have. I’ve said countless times I learned much of what I thought to be manhood from my favorite rappers: Tupac, Eightball & MJG, Lauryn Hill. I was lucky enough to have some real-life examples to look to as well. But in my real life, I had to deal with growing up on different terms than Nas’s “2nd Childhood” man-child.
I now look at the guys I grew up with and wonder how many of us made it to adulthood. How many of us are stuck somewhere in the 1995-2002 Death Row, Bad Boy, No Limit, Rocafella, Cash Money, mindset? How much has the culture progressed since then? It seems we’re searching, like Juan Ponce de León for a fountain of youth, repeating, over-and-over, all the mistakes of that “golden age” with very little of the successes. Where is the diversity of popular voices in Rap that give voice to being/acting like an adult? Perhaps I’m asking for too much. Maybe Rap is supposed to stay young—it’s a youth movement. Maybe I’m supposed to outgrow Rap as an art form while maintaining my love for Hip-Hop culture. I refuse to believe that’s true, though. But is Rap ready for the “I take care of my family and it’s difficult at times/I’m trying to pay my bills while simultaneously writing these rhymes” record? So much of popular music is being consumed by youth that I would imagine it’s not a wise career move to make music beyond the life experience/ambitions of consumers over the age of 25. It’s just that when I see that 31 year-old out on the block, dressed in skinny jeans & a V-Neck, a snapback and “retro” Jordan sneakers, I feel there’s very little he and I can converse about. I mean, I know I shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but I do. And as constructive as our conversation could be, at some point I’m going to have to move on…you know, things to do, the day isn’t going to just seize itself. And as sure as I’d need to move on from that conversation with that guy in person, I have to move on from those guys on records.
There are some great songs out there written by 30+ year-old rappers about the indulgences and trappings of individuals fortunate enough to live like children, with little regard for the rules and ramifications of their actions. When I need to escape from the mundane existence of being a boring schoolteacher, I can put on a song perfect for that occasion. But that can only go on for so long, and then I have to move on…you know, things to do, the day isn’t going to just seize itself.
They always said growing up would suck. I remember Rap as the soundtrack of my youth. As I grew up, I guess I never assumed the folks responsible for marking my memories wouldn’t grow up, too. It’s too bad I can’t afford to be a kid again. I miss hearing music I felt was made just for me. I guess I could always make my own, make a million dollars, and show everybody that ever doubted me. But I’ve got things to do, days to seize…these bills aren’t going to just pay themselves. Adulthood it is.
Don Gwinn
Posted at 19:40h, 29 JulyYou give food for thought. I never really thought about it, but that is a big part of what I’ve found off-putting about some rap that seemed very similar to other stuff I enjoyed; it’s not written for me or even for real grownups.
I have the same issue with country music or what passes for it on the radio now; one of the things that rescued country from irrelevance was that you could write a country song about a good marriage with problems, or a beloved child who was making you doubt yourself as a parent, or just how much you love providing for your family, and you didn’t have to apologize for it. In most other pop music, that just meant you were lame. Still does.
Posted at 19:47h, 29 JulyDon,
I appreciate your comment. I believe that is pretty true, or has been, for rap. But the new Jay-Z album, and I would be able to put a few others in there as well…Life is Good (Nas), and even some of the younger rappers have provided some glimpses of hope. Jay and Nas both tough of fatherhood and marriage on their most recent projects. I just think it becomes difficult for the “average consumer” to go looking for content that speaks to their current place/space in life, so they’re turned off by it. I’m hopeful. I seek it out. When I have time. When I don’t, I just listen to my old records.
Posted at 17:23h, 29 JulyRap simple means rhyme and poetry on any song with a beat in any lyrical form is generally a rap. The culture or the “ROOTS” of rap was actually started by an African tribe gang, which then evolved and kept recreating. When understand that you understand that rappers simple go back to the roots of the culture of rap and that “genre” being a staple of its name or the heart of it culture. Rap music is generally populated by an African culture because of where it came from. Except the exception of far and few, but even then those people have to prove they have a strong understanding or respect for the music because it’s cultured. Rap message was actually to empower the unity of people and its culture.
Although I understand you don’t get that from every song. Music is a time to let go and feel free.. its entertainment, its an expression, and it’s a trend.
Although you believe that an artist needs to grow up and forget about some of his or her old childish ways, that artist may just be thinking about how if he lets go of to much of his culture all together rap roots could possible die. Beyond that…
Most meaning to rap songs are soo poetically written that the forefront of what you are listening to actually has some other meaning and has nothing to do with what you’re really hearing…cuz rap goes a little bit deeper poetically then most lyrical songs. So although you hear one thing is a rap song.. it can have a completely different and possible positive outlook.
I think jay’z put it best when he .. decoded his lyrics so the customer understood his metaphors..
Just saying…
This isn’t true for every rap song, but understand its background before you close doors and start to stab it. I think the problem with society is we try to pin point a particular type of media and say hey this is what’s wrong with America.. The industry puts on what it’s gonna sale, because that my friend is what YOUR BUYING. So if you don’t like something Don’t buy it, and change it for yourself.. : )
Posted at 17:33h, 29 JulyLeon,
Thank you for your comment. Let me be clear here–my argument isn’t against rap. I understand the definition(s) of rap. I actually state in the post that I, myself, rap (if you go to the link at the top of the page you can hear what I do). I’m not “clos(ing) doors” or taking a “stab” at it. I’m stating a reality from my perspective. I think the problem with society is that so many people think they know what the problem with society is and don’t do enough to actively contribute to changing it. And, for the record, I don’t buy music I don’t like. That would be stupid. And my way of changing it is by writing it. Again, thank you for your comment, and for contributing to this conversation. 🙂
K.C. Mom
Posted at 09:51h, 29 JulyYou just gave me a huge idea!!!!! Love this PIECE!
Posted at 17:33h, 29 JulyK.C.
Awesome. And thank you!